Why being Julia in 2012 was rad.

Why being Julia in 2012 was rad.

I have, apparently, never gotten over 2004. Maybe it’s because that was a responsibility-free year, or maybe it’s because the music scene in my hometown was particularly active that year; … FULL POST

“I’m not bad…” – Halloween on Delmar

“I’m not bad…” – Halloween on Delmar

Sometimes I should listen to Lance. Sometimes. He can be right every once in a while. I might be wrong occasionally. He may or may not know what’s best with … FULL POST

A Very “Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?” Halloween

A Very “Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?” Halloween

After years of adoring the movie and a solid month of on-again-off-again searching, I did it. I believe it to be one of my all-time favorite costumes. For this year’s … FULL POST