So you forgot about New Year’s …
GUESS WHAT. NEW YEAR’S EVE IS TOMORROW. I KNOW. IT’S ABSOLUTE MADNESS. I wish I could say I’m shitting you, but I’m not. Christmas always messes up my internal calendar, … FULL POST
GUESS WHAT. NEW YEAR’S EVE IS TOMORROW. I KNOW. IT’S ABSOLUTE MADNESS. I wish I could say I’m shitting you, but I’m not. Christmas always messes up my internal calendar, … FULL POST
Are you itching for a craft? Do you have two to three hours to kill? Got 15-or-so bucks and a pocket full of coupons? Then you’re ready. Steampunk-inspired accessories seem to … FULL POST
Chocolate, coffee, cocktails, crafting… If you’ve read this blog before, you know these things tend to top my constant list of favorites. It should come as no surprise that I … FULL POST
Despite my love/slight fear-based relationship with Stacy and Clinton of the late, great What Not To Wear, I’ll openly admit that comfort is one of the most important aspects of … FULL POST
Too cool to dress up? Think finding a costume is hard? Afraid of having an Elle Woods moment this Halloween? Easy Halloween: Disney by ohjuliaann If you own a red … FULL POST