Why being Julia in 2012 was rad.
I have, apparently, never gotten over 2004. Maybe it’s because that was a responsibility-free year, or maybe it’s because the music scene in my hometown was particularly active that year; … FULL POST
I have, apparently, never gotten over 2004. Maybe it’s because that was a responsibility-free year, or maybe it’s because the music scene in my hometown was particularly active that year; … FULL POST
In theory, I love the color pink. I’m a female stereotype, whatever, that’s fine– it’s a lovely color, the end. Since I’ve been coloring my hair (am I supposed to … FULL POST
In case the world ended with that 2012 rumor, I still haven’t packed for the holidays. Okay, that’s total crap, I know… But packing isn’t fun. I always pack too … FULL POST
Each December as a child I would sit down with the Toys “R” Us and Target catalogs and create my extensive wishlist. Always including much more than I anticipated receiving, … FULL POST
Note the adorable, festive wrapping complete with a thick pink ribbon (purse charm, perhaps? Hair bow?) and indie-esque gift tag. Also, with the wrapping of the perfume (the silver tube) … FULL POST