In case the world ended with that 2012 rumor, I still haven’t packed for the holidays. Okay, that’s total crap, I know… But packing isn’t fun. I always pack too much and I never have the right outfit and it never fits back into my suitcase.
Going home for the holidays is particularly hard to pack for because the entire trip consists of ‘just wingin’ it’. We could– and have– run into people we haven’t seen in forever and end up doing something totally unexpected. SO WHAT DO YOU PACK FOR THAT?
When nothing is planned, packing is particularly daunting. And semi-pointless, unless you’re bringing the kitchen sink.
I’ve been trying, over the past few trips, to focus on day outfits, evening outfits and occasion specific outfits (i.e., wedding guest attire, should that be why we’re heading home) that center around a few multi-purpose pieces: one pair of day shoes, one pair of evening shoes, two pairs of jeans. Sure, sometimes a dress gets thrown in or a skirt makes its way into my bag, but for the most part this plan gives me options and an emptier suitcase. I think. I’m still working out the kinks.
Anyone have any better methods? I’m all ears!
I suppose I should stop blogging and start packing… Or go run last-minute holiday errands. Really, all I want to do is watch It’s a Wonderful Life and drink Starbucks holiday beverages, but I suppose that’ll come later.
The problem with packing “outfits” is that they don’t go together. Instead, pack a travel capsule wardrobe of pieces that all go together. A nice dress, a couple pairs of pants, a few tops (that can be layered for multiple looks) and a coupld of sweaters work well. Add in scarves and accessories. Bring walking shoes and dress shoes. Instead of pajamas, bring things that can work in other occasions – such as yoga pants and a long john top.
If you stick to just a couple of colors (a neutral and a main color) it becomes easier to coordinate shoes/accessories.
What good advice! Logical and ladylike. Thank you!