Letting my Husband Pick my Clothing? // Halter …
There comes a point in I’m sure all relationships when you adjust your wardrobe, to some extent, for the other person. I’m not saying you should dress for anyone but … FULL POST
There comes a point in I’m sure all relationships when you adjust your wardrobe, to some extent, for the other person. I’m not saying you should dress for anyone but … FULL POST
I could tell you I saved this blog post for today because it is National Stripe Day. I purposefully edited these photos and wrote this copy and waited to click … FULL POST
Today was a blustery spring day. The word blustery reminds me of Winnie the Pooh, which makes me think of the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ride at Walt … FULL POST
WHAT // STLFW VIP Blogger’s Lounge Oh, what a fun weekend! The Saint Louis Fashion Week VIP Blogger’s Lounge at Scape American Bistro in the Central West End was hosted by … FULL POST
Hey you. Guess what. I got a haircut! Yes, I have returned to long hair with a center part and bangs. It is the haircut I had for most of … FULL POST