Cold-Weather Cozy
You know those mornings when it is too cold to shower? There’s no way you could possibly get undressed and into the bath because you know that you’d eventually have … FULL POST
You know those mornings when it is too cold to shower? There’s no way you could possibly get undressed and into the bath because you know that you’d eventually have … FULL POST
I don’t understand what is happening with the weather. It’s hot, it’s cold, it’s hot, it’s snowing… I’m like ten miserable days into an allergy attack and it’s lousy. Since … FULL POST
If it itches, it should never be worn by anyone for any reason. This is 2013—clothing doesn’t have to itch, we have the technology! I know, I know, I act … FULL POST
Despite my love/slight fear-based relationship with Stacy and Clinton of the late, great What Not To Wear, I’ll openly admit that comfort is one of the most important aspects of … FULL POST