Looking Your (Bridal) Best
After we got married, I assumed my wedding dress would be put away and largely forgotten about. Instead, it has gained international attention and received thousands upon thousands more glances … FULL POST
After we got married, I assumed my wedding dress would be put away and largely forgotten about. Instead, it has gained international attention and received thousands upon thousands more glances … FULL POST
Wow. The last 24 hours have been a little nuts. As soon as Good Morning America shared the story, it spread everywhere. I’ve found it across three continents so far! … FULL POST
I was sixteen the first time I tried on the family wedding dress. We found it in my grandmother’s attic, and in its wrinkled and yellowed condition, my mom had me … FULL POST
The presents are wrapped, the trees are trimmed, and the annual It’s A Wonderful Life near-hysterical sob has begun. Hello, holidays! In case you’re as big of a dork as I … FULL POST
The ice cream man took all my money, but we’ll get to that. First this. True story: It’s scientifically too hot to unpack right now, so I grabbed a pair … FULL POST