Mo Eggs, Mo Problems: Inside Our Infertility …
Ah, infertility. I certainly wish that wasn’t a common word in my vocabulary, but here we are. Since I opened up about my fertility struggles, you – strangers, readers, followers … FULL POST
Ah, infertility. I certainly wish that wasn’t a common word in my vocabulary, but here we are. Since I opened up about my fertility struggles, you – strangers, readers, followers … FULL POST
I feel like I’ve been tired for a while. Like a broken record, I keep repeating the same things to myself about my problems being caused by the IVF medicine … FULL POST
I wasn’t surprised to learn our second embryo transfer didn’t work. After the pain of the first failed transfer—emotional, yes, but I screamed during the implantation so I quite literally … FULL POST
Ask anyone in the IVF community what sucks the most and one of the top answers is sure to be progesterone in oil. These expensive vials of liquid fire hurt … FULL POST
I feel like I’ve been drowning in infertility treatment. For those lucky souls unfamiliar with this particular type of torture, know this: it is time consuming. First there’s the appointments, … FULL POST