Trying Five Face Products: Reviews of Lancô…
Thanks to some new makeup finds, I have been having more good skin days than bad. And thanks to a few others I’ve tried, you can save some money on … FULL POST
Thanks to some new makeup finds, I have been having more good skin days than bad. And thanks to a few others I’ve tried, you can save some money on … FULL POST
Who else fell in love with lipstick by stealing those tiny Mary Kay and Avon samples from their moms? Anybody? Anybody? Those itty bitty tubes with the clear plastic caps … FULL POST
There aren’t many consistents in the world of fashion blogging except for one: you end up with a crazy amount of beauty products. The world of beauty PR is massive! … FULL POST
Summer is coming, and that means sunscreen. I’ll be honest – I’m not great about applying it. With oily, acne-prone skin it’s just a step I try to avoid for … FULL POST
Like a lot of old, city houses, someone at some point turned what used to be our porch into an extension on the home. It gave us a mudroom and … FULL POST