Jumbo Headbands & Grown-Out Roots
Big shock: My hair isn’t actually red. (I know you must be sooooo surprised, what with its ever-changing shade of copper. Har har.) For nearly a decade I dyed my … FULL POST
Big shock: My hair isn’t actually red. (I know you must be sooooo surprised, what with its ever-changing shade of copper. Har har.) For nearly a decade I dyed my … FULL POST
Weird story: I recently picked up a curling iron by the hot part and turned my hand into a calloused, nonfunctional lobster claw. Brilliant. It should come as little surprise I … FULL POST
Saturday we hosted a sit-down dinner for a dozen people. Sunday, for understandable reasons, I just wanted to be comfortable. But we needed to leave the house. The struggle. Thankfully, … FULL POST
Wedding planning is an emotional roller coaster. Sometimes, when I’m working on the centerpieces or finalizing the guest list, the staggering cost of a wedding stops me dead in my … FULL POST
Wearing blue gingham in October is a dangerous game — after all, it’s a bit too cold for picnics and close enough to Halloween to be mistaken for Dorothy. But … FULL POST