Dressing without thinking

Dressing without thinking

Common problem: I’m exhausted (or have a headache, had a terrible day, only want to crawl into PJs and watch HGTV, etc.) and it’s time to go out and be … FULL POST

Closet full of cut-offs

Closet full of cut-offs

When I got home from work today, Lance asked if I wanted to go to the dog park. The dog park, I thought. But it just snowed. We can’t go to the … FULL POST

Blazers, up-dos and dresses– oh my!

Blazers, up-dos and dresses– oh my!

Here’s the deal: I’m sleepy. I need more coffee than ever. I’m still becoming acquainted with my new job, my new schedule, all while trying to be the best writer … FULL POST

Casual Friday

Casual Friday

As I continue learning about my new job, I’ve realized there are more perks to a 9-to-5 than I’d initially imagined; since I always guessed I’d be at a typical … FULL POST

New job, new way of dressing

New job, new way of dressing

I refuse to become a khakis-and-polo kind of gal, because that just isn’t who I am. Before starting this job I went through my entire wardrobe– and did a little … FULL POST