To continue the STLFW madness, Saturday morning started bright and early with Blogger’s Brunch, thanks to new phone app Bonfyre.
From this experience I learned three things…
- I had not even remotely prepared mentally for the stylish intensity that was STLFW’s VIP Bloggers Getaway.
- Mimosas are delicious.
- My phone was severely lacking in proper social apps.

The menu? Berry fruit salad, yogurt, mimosas and giant muffins. Brunch was focused around meeting other amazing writers, carb loading for the long day and learning about the locally-created iPhone and Android smartphone application Bonfyre.
Weird name? Yeah, that was my first impression… Until I figured out what it is. Bonfyre is an application made to share photos and text with others involved in a specified experience. Like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram? Kind of, but no. Instead of publishing information to everyone who sees your normal social media posts, Bonfyre shares instantly to the people who are also involved in the experience. Not only does this mean people who wouldn’t care about your XYZ party don’t see the details, it means the people who would care do see. It’s like sitting around a bonfire, sharing with those who are also there– except it’s as techie-advanced as our modern world is, and keeps those who wandered off for a drink in the loop.
To explain, we had a STLFW bloggers Bonfyre. Since there were so many of us, we weren’t together the entire time; despite this, we were all able to share shots from the other side of the runway or send group texts easily.
Even better? When we wanted a group picture, we were able to take it once on one person’s phone, then upload it to Bonfyre so everyone could have a copy. If nothing else, Bonfyre keeps you from being that asshole who needs a stranger to take the same picture on multiple cellphones– and that’s a great idea.
Bonfyre made sense during the STLFW weekend, but why would I keep it installed on my phone? Despite the fact that it works with tons of major events (ahem, sporting events, anyone?) it would be amazing for party guests. Are you engaged? Start a Bonfyre and post the joining QR code somewhere at your wedding reception; when guests take photos you’d otherwise never see, have them post the images to Bonfyre so everyone can have a copy. It’s free and works for both major platforms and– let’s be honest here– would probably get used more than those disposable cameras placed at tables. Besides, you know someone is going to get drunk and take a questionable photo with that paper-wrapped-plastic Kodak, and no one wants to deal with that.
I am genuinely sold on Bonfyre, and not just because they somehow knew breakfast is my favorite. Have you tried it yet? How would you use it?
PS: The next stop on the STLFW VIP Bloggers Getaway was lunch and shopping at Saks… Le sigh. Post soon.
lovely new site , julia! Looks great! And your experiences ith STLFW look absolutely awesome and stylishly fun, I’m jealous! 🙂
Thanks, Rita! I’m glad you like it! And it was one amazing weekend… I’m thinking I’ll plan my autumn around STLFW this year. 🙂