I keep myself comfortable through all situations with humor. Sad part in a movie? Make a joke. Fall up the stairs? Make a joke. It isn’t a good habit and it’s not the best way to respond to things– if for no other reason than you can’t always make a joke, and in those situations, you realize what an awkward person you are.
Case in point: Oh Julia Ann was recently named the Best Written Blog at the inaugural Saint Louis Fashion Blog Awards, in both the judged and people’s choice categories. Both when I accepted my awards and when I write about it now, I’m itching to make some self-deprecating joke. Apparently it is all I know. This was made ultra clear during my semi-flustered get-in/get-out strategy to collect my awards; I was even approached by the photographer after, as she explained I scurried out of the spotlight too quick to get a photo (but I’m guessing she got one, and I was too blushed to use it.)
When I explained the evening to my best friend, I was told, and I quote: “At least you didn’t trip. And even if you did, it’s okay, because Jennifer Lawrence did on her way to receive an Oscar, so it’s cool now.” Maybe awkward is the new black.
And now I have done it again. That’s right, 200+ words later and I haven’t gotten to my point. I’ve made fun of myself for making fun of myself. Geez, Julia, that’s a productive use of web space. And I keep typing those stupid jokes because I’m not sure how to explain how grateful I am without reaching for humor. I have been running Oh Julia Ann for a bit over a year, and I am still happily surprised when anyone I don’t/haven’t ever lived with says they read it. When they called my name I was mid-sip in my vodka tonic– and could have easily choked from surprise.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for thinking of me. As a life-long writer, this award means more than I can explain… which is truly saying something, as my ability to put words-to-screen pays my rent. Thank you to the superb panel of judges; knowing fashion and media experts read my blog, let alone gave it an award, blows my mind, to say the least. Thank you to everyone who voted for the people’s choice winners– I hope you continue to enjoy the site, and I promise to continue to make terrible jokes and post pictures of purses. And thank you to those closest to me who support me in my writing adventure, but especially to my ever-patient photographer and boyfriend, Lance. I’m not always the happiest while getting my picture taken, as the wind blows my hair into my lipstick and the sun is in my eyes; but he keeps smiling and clicking, because he is a good and supportive man.
Now, if I don’t get back to light-hearted humor, I may explode all over my netbook. Photo time?
Mixed Metals Nails, unknown silver glitter [SIMILAR], Estee Lauder in Nudite [HERE] and OPI Shatter in Gold [HERE]|Necklace, DIY [tutorial coming!] | Earrings, Forever 21 [SIMILAR] | Lipstick, Butter London in Strawberry Field [HERE] | Eyeshadow and Blush Palette, Clinque [SIMILAR] | Clutch, Merona Envelope Ostrich Crossbody/Clutch at Target [HERE] // Wind in my pin curls
The view from Three Sixty // Rachael from Style Every Day [Photo from Economy of Style]
Crop top, Forever 21 [SIMILAR] | Vegan Leather Circle Skirt, Leith ‘Town’ Pleated Skirt, partially c/o Nordstrom [HERE] | Sunglasses, Forever 21 [SIMILAR] | Shoes, Steve Madden [SIMILAR]
Cassandra from Style Cassentials, Best Delivery of Personal Style people’s choice winner [Photo from Economy of Style] // View from Three Sixty
Rachael from Style Every Day, Best Use of Twitter official winner and Psyche from Economy of Style, Best Budget Blog people’s choice and official winner [Photo from Economy of Style]
Three Sixty chandeliers // Crop tops all day, every day
Winners’ gifts: Adorable flowers, Skinny Girl wine and my unexplainable gratitude
The Saint Louis Fashion Blog Awards and Saint Louis Fashion Week Kick-Off Party were held at Three Sixty, a spectacular rooftop bar above the St. Louis Hilton at the Ballpark. There we saw a few hundred other fashion lovers engulfed in the expansive city skyline. Because of the glass reaching above the balcony ledges, even I– who hates edges and ledges and anything of that category– was able to fully enjoy the surroundings. Treats like scrumptious hummus, Skinny Girl wines and out-of-control chocolates were munched on and sipped while I focused on keeping my circle skirt from catching the wind; surely I would flown away like an underwear-flashing kite had a passing breeze grabbed ahold of me.
Don’t forget: STLFW shows start this week, so it’s time to buy your tickets and plan your outfits. Looking for outfit inspiration, or more blogs to add to your reading list? Check out the full list of Saint Louis Fashion Blog Awards winners.
I’m off to tidy the kitchen, catch up on laundry and create meal plans; these next two weeks are sure to be thrilling, which means they will be busy, and business calls for preparation.
Thank you again, everyone. And happy autumn!