Hooray, Droid! | Five More (Free) Android Apps You Need

♪♫♪ I’m… Dreaming… Of more free… Droid apps… Just like the apps I’ve always loved… These Android apps are perfect for me… May all your Android apps… Be free. ♪♫

It’s no secret that Apple products and I don’t really get along. It’s phenomenal technology, don’t get me wrong, but I walked away from an iPhone several years ago when I found out you could not insure it through your phone provider. I hear that has since changed, but my opinion stays the same. There are Android issues, I’m sure, but I’ll happily stay without glued-in batteries and updates that render your phone useless. My Samsung Galaxy and I are doing just fine.

Now, if you haven’t closed this page in Apple-induced anger—I know, I know, phones are a tricky subject these days… I also write this blog from an HP computer… Eek!—keep reading, because if there’s an Android device in your pocket or purse, I have a few more free applications you seriously need to download.


Any.do | Any.do provides a highly organized and visually pleasing to-do list, for those of us who cannot function without lists. (Hello, my name is Julia, and I can’t function without lists.) It’s part of a family of apps, all focused on maintaining an organized life. Sounds pretty perfect for New Year’s resolutions and/or paying bills on time.

AirDroid | This application connects your computer and phone for a seamless combination of life and technology. The phone is wirelessly connected to the AirDroid website, which means you can upload or download music and photos without actually connecting anything. Wanting to erase all those never-Instragrammed photos of food? It’s a lot easier from a larger screen. Other features include a GPS locator and remote wipe.

Alarm Clock Xtreme Free | Simply put, it’s an alarm clock that makes you solve math problems before you can hit snooze. Alarm Clock Xtreme Free has many other features, but that’s the important one.

Phonto | Add text to photos without the weird logo all other free Instagram editors seem to put on your picture. Phonto includes fonts ranging from the disgustingly cutesy to the skinny-and-trendy to the recognizably themed, meaning it can add something as obnoxious as “true l<3ve !!!!*xoxoxx” to your weird kissing photo or as expected as “Merry Christmas” next to the tree. But please don’t make me regret telling you about this app by using it for the first option.

Urban Dictionary | Sure, Urban Dictionary isn’t new, but keeping something as hilarious as Ear Boner a quick glance away at all times can help one survive mandatory overtime/distant relative family gatherings/a weekend line at Forever 21/Tuesdays.

Looking for more apps? Find more of my favorite Android apps here and here

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