WHAT: Timo Weiland, Tess Giberson, and Yigal Azrouël Runway Presentation at St. Louis Union Station
My first published piece of writing was about Saint Louis Fashion Week. I was 18 and living outside of St. Louis, and a reporter from a local newspaper let me shadow her for an evening; after, she offered me a few inches of space in the Sunday Lifestyle section if I could come up with a witty column about our evening by the runway. Among other things, I wrote about the shoes — and how they didn’t quite fit. It’s not an uncommon site at fashion shows, and many models still strut even in the wrong size. That year a girl’s strap had completely come undone and she made her way to the press pit with grace, then turned and sauntered back down the catwalk. It was pretty spectacular. Six years later, I am happy to say I still cover STLFW — and I am even happier to report that STLFW models still kick ass, even in the wrong size stiletto.
The final show of Saint Louis Fashion Week kicked off at downtown’s St. Louis Union Station with a pre-event cocktail party. Lance and I hit Sara’s Social Booth with some friends, I grabbed a Pinnacle cocktail, we gazed at the Saint Rita Parlor still presentation… All in all, it was a fantastic way to spend a Thursday, even before the runway show started. Presenting that evening were designers Timo Weiland, Tess Giberson, and Yigal Azrouël. I swooned when Timo’s black-and-white eyelet appeared on the runway, I drooled for Tess’ metallic midis, and I practically fainted when Yigal perfectly paired leather with a palm tree print.
Although the attire was the clear centerpiece of the evening, the shoe incident was most certainly memorable. A model wearing one of Yigal’s designs was walking in strapless stilettos at least an inch too big, and I half-assumed she had already broken her ankle by the way she fought rolling out of them. Without missing a beat, she slipped the two shoes off, placed them beautifully in one hand, and finished her walk. The crowd went crazy, with cheers of ‘Yeah, girl!’ echoing throughout the space. As someone who has been there, I appreciated the unintentional nod to carrying your heels home after a party; I’m sure I looked just as modelesque while I did it (har har.)

WEAR: Printed shirt with skull tie on Lance, and clearanced velvet Rachel Roy on Julia

Lance is currently wearing… Blazer, thrifted | Tie, Target [HERE] | Shirt, Target [HERE] | Pants, Target [HERE] | Shoes, Vans [SIMILAR]

Currently wearing… Find details in this blog post
Does that wrap up my STLFW coverage? No way! I’m a STLFW ambassador, which means I was able to attend tons of extra events. Look out for more coverage soon!