The circle skirt: A vintage mainstay that accentuates a small waist and offers enough draped fabric to constantly keep fidgeting hands busy. Do I swing the sides of my circle skirt? Absolutely. Do I twirl in a circle skirt when no one is looking? You know it. More fun than a shift and more visually interesting than a pencil skirt, these beauties look great when paired with a fitted top and pumps– or even better, in my opinion, when layered with patterns, various textures and non-retro staples to add dimension, age and uniqueness. When worn in this newer fashion, circle skirts look relaxed and comfortable while still maintaining a focus on the waistline. The fantastically-full hip look is just an added bonus.

Last night was spent with not only my beloved circle skirt, but St. Louis fashion bloggers Rachael, from Style Every Day; Psyche, of Economy of Style; and Lorena, from Garnets and Sapphires. The three stopped by for food, drinks and deep blog-related discussion– and I am feeling a million types of inspired! Time to go rummage through my closet! Viva la weekend!