I’ve always known my pick: V-neck, all the way. While I have mixed emotions about men in V-necks– a discussion for another day– they’re both flattering and comfortable on ladies. And although I can stay happy with the same-old, same-old (ahem, I’ve ordered the same sandwich at Subway since 1995), today I wore something a little… sharper.

As a birthday gift, Lance took me shopping for a new dress for work; we have this great deal worked out where he picks a store and a category, instead of panicking over a gift, and I pick the item (it’s perfect.) I found a comfortable, flattering and somewhat unique emerald Calvin Klein shift at T.J. Maxx featuring a hem-to-hem gold zipper and– get this– an asymmetrical neckline. Not crew, not V, nor boat or round. Asymmetrical. Maybe even triangular.
This triangular-asymmetrical neckline introduced me to a whole world of neckline geometry I’d been flunking– which is eerily similar to how I did in non-fashion geometry (joke’s on you, high school! I got a job anyway! ha ha!) I felt so inspired by my improving dress-G.P.A. I found some of the raddest necklines the internet has to offer. While I did shop around, ASOS featured the best selection by far– which is where all these frocks are from. I don’t know about you, but my Tuesday outfit now seems painfully dull.
That’s such a cute birthday gift 🙂 Everyone wins! And I love that color/zipper details on the dress you chose!
XO, Alison
Thanks! Yeah, the system works really well for us. And I knowww, the color is great, but I was horrified of it originally. It’s a tricky one to pull off! I’m loving it now, though. Green for everyone! 🙂
I love unusual necklines, they can add such a fun twist to an outfit! But I’m with you on v-necks for guys–most of the time, I don’t like them. But my husband wears one or two that I don’t mind so much.
Hahaha, I’m glad someone agrees. The mild V is alright; in fact, it looks a smidge more comfortable than the all-up-on-your-throat crew. But real men in real life in a deep V? Not for me. Men who wear an 8″ V to go to Schnucks, for example… I’ll take my boyfriends crew+button-up any day.