What peculiar weather we’re having… One day, we’re in the middle of a god-awful polar vortex, and practically the next it is 50-some degrees and breezy. Thanks for your always logical weather patterns, Midwest; I’m glad to know you’re consistently inconsistent.
On the plus side, January temperatures like this create the perfect time to wear non-warming cold-weather hats, such as the felt cloche. It’s too dark and heavy for spring, but too loose around the ears for genuine cold. These retro cuties are in it for the aesthetic appeal, which makes them the perfect accessory for much of this week—as long as it doesn’t get too windy.

Speaking of Blair… Perhaps it’s time to wrap up the weekend with a nightcap and some Netflix… Ta-ta!
Julia, this is SO cute! I love the hat you’re wearing!!! 🙂
Thank you! Cloches are ADORABLE! (Did you click that Blair link? Seriously, she looks spectacular in all hats. It’s a gift.)