Nine or ten autumns ago, I was a Doc Martin-clad teenager in an awkward situation.
At the time, my ideal outfit consisted of thigh-high stockings and boots, topped with a torn tee and a miniskirt. Oh, the miniskirts. I loved miniskirts. Since I couldn’t quite find my ideal skirt, I used some fabric remnants to craft my own. It was short and heavily draped, and it only took a few pins and stitches to keep those folds right where I wanted them. Perfect.
But the homemade skirt failed me at a crucial moment. I was standing in Breadstretchers (a former Springfield, Ill., sandwich shop/occasional venue) at the wrong place when the crowd started to move. The draping of my skirt was caught up in the mosh pit and was accidentally torn clean off, like the last paper towel ripped off the roll. The eyes of the girl in front of me practically popped out of her head as she threw her palms over my underwear*. The rest of the memory is faded, probably because I blushed so hard that the blood screwed with my brain. I bet that’s why I’m such a pink person—it may be impossible to fully come back from a blush like that.
Here’s the point: While I can hopefully handle an embarrassing situation better now than I could as a teen, I doubt Lance would be pleased if I flashed some boy shorts at a show. To keep this from happening, I now leave my skirts to the professionals. No more half-assed DIY bottoms for me.
I instantly fell in love with this fall-ready Pitaya miniskirt. The hemline is flirty and kicky. The draping is structured and unique. The color is perfect for the season. And it’s stretchy, which means the skirt was still comfortable after the Cicero’s burger I inhaled post-photo shoot.
Currently wearing… Sweatshirt, I♥Ronson, JCPenney [SIMILAR] | Gathered Elastic-Waist Swing Skirt, c/o Pitaya [HERE in black] | Earrings, c/o Pitaya [SIMILAR] | Sunglasses, Quay, Nordstrom Rack [SIMILAR] | Cuff, vintage | Clutch, Merona, Target [SIMILAR] | Socks, H&M [SIMILAR] | Boots, c/o Diba True [HERE]
Remember that other amazing skirt I found at Pitaya? It’s on sale! Look for it in store or check it out online.
*In the early-2000s, Lance (who I did not know personally at the time) also lived in Springfield, went to shows, and happened to have incredibly long, beautiful, curly hair. I’d say there is a 80% chance he was at this show, 10% chance he was playing this show, 9% chance he was skateboarding outside but not at the show, and 1% chance he was the ‘girl’ in front of me. I should ask.
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