Julia and the Smitten Kitten dress went on an adventure down I-64 through the Saint Louis University campus past the old apartment buidling into Soulard in preparation for– drum roll– Saint Louis Fashion Week blogger weekend.
Speaking of which, if you’re in the grand ole’ STL, stop by the CLR-MNSTR X BLUEBIRD: STLFW VIP Blogger Party on Friday!
For the sake of secrecy– who the fuck am I kidding? For the sake of still having exciting blog posts– I won’t give away much. I will, however, let you know that I’ve already met a few amazing bloggers you’ll love because of this ALIVE Magazine event and that we all dorked out over some picture taking opportunities.
A few of the amazing ladies I met today? (Hint, the pantless mannequins are not the bloggers, but that would be hilarious.) Psyche of Economy of Style, who graciously took these photographs (thanks, doll!) and keeps an amazing OOTD blog with trends and affordability thrown in; Lorena of Garnets and Sapphires, who I wish I had a photo of as that gal rocked a bulk amount of sparkly accessories in the most perfect, somehow effortless way; and Lindsay of Heartland Underdog and Miss Ohio Vintage, who graciously invited me to partake in this event. The amazing part is that those aren’t the only lovely ladies I met in the 90 minutes I spent gabbing about blogging– that’s how many there were.
And to think, they say STL used to be grand.
Time to discuss the pink elephant, or rather magenta meow-maker. I’ve talked about this shift before, but I never shown how I think one should style something this crazy. Somehow in my head the black blazer and black boots and black tights lessen the crazy of a pink/purple cat dress… Is that a legitimate thought process?
Sure, Julia, sure it is.
Things I learned today: Meeting other bloggers is great. STL has a bigger fashion scene than you (or I) might guess. My cat dress is one of my favorites. Soulard is great. I-64 is not. And I’ll always be the slightly awkward goofy gal with a pun and self-deprecating humor and pet hair on the jacket and a little chaos and maybe even, maaaayybbbee, a little bit of audio and general loudness. Why? Because I, of course, headed straight to the best spot to pose in the place.
I am 23 and I still want to pose in a cat dress with the headless, pantless mannequins. Take me or leave me, but if this shit hasn’t changed yet…